“We all have a message to share,

The greatest disservice to ourselves

and the world is to keep that message








DJ is an author, international speaker, spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist  and transformational guide, supporting individuals and businesses in reaching their highest potential. She is known for her ability to meet people where they are; empowering their transformation by shining a light on the thinking that causes limiting beliefs, struggle or suffering; thereby opening the door to endless creativity.

A near death experience sent DJ on a search for answers to explain a deep yearning she felt to live a different life. That journey led her to healers, spiritual guides and shamans where she learned new ways of thinking, breath work, meditation, reiki, yoga, QiGong, tapping and other healing modalities. She is continually growing and creating unique processes that she uses with her clients, in her programs and retreats which she has facilitated for over two decade.

DJ is inspiring a global shift in thinking, bringing to the forefront the awareness that “We are all connected and are each uniquely imprinted with Divine greatness.” DJ’s teachings inspire and encourage individuals and businesses to think bigger and step into the unknown realm of infinite possibilities unleashing their natural creative nature.



I spent most of my life trying to please others with little to no success. I was devastated when my husband of only eight months left me. Obviously trying to please him wasn’t working! So I quit my job, put “all my “stuff” in storage, packed my car and headed off to Florida with five hundred dollars in my pocket.

I had tried so hard to do everything “right,” now, I was just tired of being “ME.”

I thought I could go away and be somebody else, someone new and exciting, someone wild and crazy, only to find out there was no escaping “ME.”

The lessons that I learned on that trip were priceless:

*I scratched the surface of what it must be like to be homeless, not knowing where I was going to sleep at night or end up the next day.

*It is really hard to get a job without a phone number (this was before cell phones) or an address. I had not been without a job since I was 15.

*The best way to get a job is to “know” somebody. I met a woman on the beach that helped me get a job.

*There is always someone there to help, just keep asking!

*The most important thing I learned was that I couldn’t run away from myself or my feelings.

Over 20 years later, if you looked at me you would have thought I had it all. I had the house, the car, the job, the kids and of course the man.

I was happy enough, but I felt like something was missing.

It took a life threatening accident for Spirit to get my attention.

I was in a hit and run accident, thrown over forty feet in the air, leaving me in physical pain that I didn’t escape for many years.

This physical pain was a perfect manifestation of my emotional pain.

The “stuff” that I had put in storage many years earlier while making an attempt to escape my life is a perfect metaphor for all my feelings “stuff” that I had stored deep inside me.

While physically recovering, I came face to face with my feelings of rejection, unworthiness, and not feeling loved, that began as a young child.

I became a self-help expert. I read everything I could get my hands on. I attended workshops, seminars, and trainings on the power of the mind, healing modalities, meditation, coaching, and shamanism just to name a few.

That hot summer day in August 1999, when I found myself spinning over 40 feet in the air, not sure if I was going to live or die, ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me.

It was the day that Spirit got my attention.

It was that day as I was spinning in the air, that I knew I wasn’t my body, that I would go on, even if my body didn’t.

I felt a surrendered peace and love that surpasses all understand and it was inside of ME!

I set out on a mission to have an ongoing relationship with this new found Love.

Spirit got my attention August 5th, 1999, with a sense of knowing that I cling to.

I am simply a vessel when it comes to working with my clients, speaking to groups, leading workshops, writing or creating programs.

I believe that Spirit is the Highest Self in all of us and that we are all connected.

Spirit brought you here to connect with me for a minute or a lifetime.

I am here to tell you that you are nothing less than a Magnificent Amazing Manifestation of Love.

It’s Yours to Own!

I would love to be of service in lighting the way into the unlimited world of possibilities.

blessings & love,
